+33 (0)3 86 77 14 27 +33 (0)6 25 80 73 58 info@ssp-vehicules.com
SSP Promotion Vehicles
Rally raid
Luxury vehicles

Legal mentions

Company name: Service Sport Promotion

Address: 113 avenue de verdun - 58300 Decize

Phone: +33(0)3 86 77 14 27

Email: info@ssp-vehicules.com

Publication director: Julien SAUMET

RCS: Nevers B 450 117 288

SIREN: 450 117 288

Capital: 7500,00 €

EU VAT: FR35 450117288


53 rue Albert Camus 58000 Nevers
Tél. : 03 86 71 60 50


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